SUCC Church Groups

church groups

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John 15:12

“My command is this:
Love each other as I have loved you.



Whoever you are, whatever your need, wherever you are in your journey with God, we would love to share and fellowship with you. Explore our groups or reach out to us if you are unsure of where to start.

Group Mentors

For men who want to encourage, support and grow together. All welcome. Come as you are.

Group Women's Bible Study

When women support other women, incredible things happen. Join us every Wednesday.

Group Tiller Teens

For teens that want to grow in and own their faith, have fun and be there for one another.

Groups Celebrate Recovery

You matter to God and you matter to us. We’re here for you and want to walk with you on this journey.

Groups Tyson Road Bible Study

A Bible study group for men and women that meets Thursday evenings. We would love for you to join!

Groups Coffee House

Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls.
Do we need to say more? Stop by on Friday morning.


Didn’t find a group or not sure where to start?
