Posts in Murder
We Are Peacemakers

July 7 2019

Part 2 on Matthew 5:21-26 — How should we as Kingdom people live in the current age of outrage, contempt, and hatred? We are our brothers’ keepers. Therefore, we are peacemakers. That is what we are as children of God. To make peace we must deal with anger through the steps of QSSQS-F. Peacemaking always aim at reconciliation—reconciliation with God, which is possible through Jesus Christ. Peacemaking calls God’s people to obedience and the world to repentance

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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We Are Our Brother’s Keeper

June 30 2019

Matthew 5:21-26 — How should we as Kingdom people live in the current age of outrage, contempt, and hatred? Anger and contempt take life. It’s murder. All human life is very valuable to God because they are created in God’s image. We are our brothers’ keepers! The kingdom response to anger, wrongs, injustice, hatred is always persistent love, grace and forgiveness. Jesus goes deep here into our hearts.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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